Member, Utah Governor's Transition Team, 2000.
Member, Cecil-Harford Bridges Work Group, 2006; Economic Development Commission, Cecil County, 2006-07; Board of Health, Cecil County, 2010-; Commission on Aging, Cecil County, 2010-; Arts Council, Cecil County; Cecil Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families, 2010-; Local Interagency Coordinating Council [for Infants & Toddlers], Cecil County, 2010-; Upper Shore Regional Council, 2011-.
University of Redlands, B.S. (business administration) 1990; Cecil Leadership Institute, 2005. President, Moore Strategies, 2008-. Executive Director, Cecil County Chamber of Commerce, 2006-07. Fiscal services analyst, Office of Education, Riverside, California, 1988-90. Employee benefits manager and accountant, Weber County, Utah, 1992-94. Chief deputy clerk, auditor, and elections administrator, Weber County, Utah, 1994-96. Legislative analyst, community relations manager, and Olympic planner, Weber County, Utah, 1999-2004. Member, Republican Club of Cecil County, 2004- (president, 2009); Cecil County Republican Women; Business and Education Partnership Advisory Council, 2006-. Board of Directors, Blood Bank of Delmarva, 2009-; United Way of Cecil County, 2009-; Maryland Association of Counties, 2010- (legislative committee, 2010-; tax subcommittee, 2010-). Member, Business Education Partnership Advisory Council; Historical Society of Cecil County; Maryland Farm Bureau. Married; two children.
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