Maryland Manual On-Line, 2012

July 27, 2012

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual

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BRIAN G. KIM, Associate Judge, Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of Maryland, September 17, 2002 to December 2, 2011. Resigned December 2, 2011. Member, Judicial Education Committee, 2002-11.

Staff Attorney, Maryland Transportation Authority, 1986-87. Assistant attorney general, Department of Licensing and Regulation, 1988-89; Department of Transportation, 1995-98. Associate County Attorney, Montgomery County, 1999-2002 (assistant county attorney, 1998-99).

Born in Seoul, Korea, May 10, 1961. Attended Claremont McKenna College, 1978-80; Tulane University, B.A., 1982; Boston College Law School, J.D., 1985. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1986; Massachusetts Bar, 1986; District of Columbia Bar, 1988. Associate, Stein, Sperling, Bennett, De Jong, Driscoll, Greenfeig & Metro, 1989-92. Solo practitioner, 1992-93. Attorney, Berman & Kim, 1993. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (legal education & admission to the bar section; legal education & admission to the bar section council, 2004-; korean bar committee; chair, asian-american bar committee, 1996-); District of Columbia Bar Association; Montgomery County Bar Association; National Asian-Pacific American Bar Association; Asian-Pacific American Bar Association-Maryland (board of directors, 2007-08; vice-president, communications, 2008-09); Asian-Pacific American Bar Association of Greater Washington, DC. Member, Asian-American Political Alliance; Sidwell Friends School Parents Association; Community Ministries of Rockville. Member, Pan American Symphony Orchestra, 1991-93. Adjunct professor, University of Baltimore School of Law. Past instructor (U.S. history & government), Adult Education Division, Montgomery County Public Schools, and Fairfax County School District. Adjunct Professor of the Year Award, University of Baltimore School of Law, 2005. Trailblazer Award, National Asian-Pacific American Bar Association, 2005.

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