July 27, 2012
Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual
Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms: Carlos Hardy; Rebecca R. Hogamier; Kim M. Kennedy; Kathleen O. O'Brien, Ph.D.; Glen E. Plutschak. Terms expire 2013.
Lori A. Brewster; Ann M. Geddes; Donald H. Whitehead, Jr. Terms expire 2014.
Appointed by Governor upon nomination by Chief Judge, Court of Appeals: George M. Lipman, 2014; Nelson W. Rupp, Jr., 2014.
Appointed by Senate President: Catherine E. Pugh
Appointed by House Speaker: Kirill Reznik
Ex officio: David A. Treasure, designee of Secretary of Budget & Management; Peter Singleton, designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Joshua M. Sharfstein, M.D., Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Lawrence J. Simpson, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Ted Dallas, Secretary of Human Resources; Sam J. Abed, Secretary of Juvenile Services; Gary D. Maynard, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; John T. Kuo, designee of Secretary of Transportation; Kim Malat, Interim Executive Director, Governor's Office for Children; Edward M. Parker, Interim Executive Director, Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention; Paul B. DeWolfe, Jr., Public Defender.
Nonvoting members: Kathleen Rebbert-Franklin, Acting Director, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Administration, and Brian M. Hepburn, M.D., Executive Director, Mental Hygiene Administration, Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene; Patricia A. Vale, Acting Director, Division of Parole & Probation, and J. Michael Stouffer, Deputy Secretary for Programs & Services, Dept. of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Gale Saler, President, Maryland Addiction Directors' Council.
Staff: Eugenia W. Conolly
c/o Drug & Alcohol Abuse Administration, Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
Dix Building, Spring Grove Hospital Center, 55 Wade Ave., Catonsville, MD 21228
(410) 402-8630; fax: (410) 402-8604
e-mail: conollye@dhmh.state.md.us
web: http://adaa.dhmh.maryland.gov/sitepages/sdaac.aspx
In July 2004, the Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council was authorized by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2004.42), and in July 2008, the Council was reconstituted (Executive Order 01.01.2008.08). The Council was established by statute in October 2010 (Chapter 661, Acts of 2010). To ensure that available resources are used most effectively, the Council works to develop a comprehensive and coordinated method to prevent, intervene with, and treat drug and alcohol abuse in the State. The Council assists local drug and alcohol abuse councils through technical assistance and improved communication and collaboration.
Annually, the Council identifies federal and State resources for funding and informs the local drug and alcohol councils about funding opportunities. The Council also works to facilitate access to existing programs by the courts and criminal justice and correctional systems.
In September 2005, the Council submitted the first two-year Plan to the Governor. The Plan establishes priorities and strategies to deliver and fund drug and alcohol abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment services. Annually, the Council updates the Plan.
Of the Council's twenty-three voting members, ten are appointed by the Governor, one each by the Senate President and House Speaker, and eleven serve ex officio. Five nonvoting, ex officio members also serve on the Council.
After submission of the Strategic Plan in August 2010, this work group was created.
Glen E. Plutschak, Chair (chosen by Work Group)
After submission of the Strategic Plan in August 2010, this work group was created.
Lori A. Brewster, Chair (chosen by Work Group)
In February 2009, the Prevention of Underage Drinking Coordinating Committee was created.
Christopher Zwicker, Chair (chosen by Work Group)
After submission of the Strategic Plan in August 2010, this work group was created.
Rebecca R. Hogamier, Chair (chosen by Work Group)
After submission of the Strategic Plan in August 2010, this work group was created.
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