Maryland Manual On-Line, 2012

July 27, 2012

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual

Maryland Manual On-Line -


Chair: Thomas J. Stosur, Director, Baltimore City Department of Planning

Senators representing Districts 40 & 41: Lisa A. Gladden; Catherine E. Pugh.

Delegates representing Districts 40 & 41, appointed by House Speaker: Nathaniel T. Oaks; Shawn Z. Tarrant.

Appointed by Mayor of Baltimore City after consultation with members of Baltimore City Delegation representing Districts 40 & 41: Gloria Cinquegrani; Oscar Cobbs; Rev. John A. Lunn; Stuart Macklin; Kenneth Morrison; Martha D. Nathanson, Esq.; Sandra Pinkney; Otis Rolley III; Dornette Samuel; Sharon Snow.

[photo, Charles L. Benton, Jr., Building, 417 East Fayette St., Baltimore, Maryland] Staff: Sara A. Paranilam

c/o Baltimore City Dept. of Planning
Charles L. Benton, Jr., Building, 417 East Fayette St., 8th floor, Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 396-5935

Charles L. Benton, Jr., Building, 417 East Fayette St., Baltimore, Maryland, June 2006. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

In October 2005, the Pimlico Community Development Authority was established (Chapter 603, Acts of 2005). In November 2008, it was restructured (Chapter 4, Acts of 2007 Special Session). To pay for facilities and services in communities within a two-mile radius of Pimlico Race Course, the Authority receives funds from a horse-racing special fund twice yearly. Further, for local impact grants from video-lottery terminal receipts beginning in Fiscal Year 2012, the Authority acts as the local development council for Baltimore City (Code State Government Article, sec. 9-1A-31).

The Authority consists of ten members. These include the Baltimore City Planning Director, who serves as chair; the two State senators representing Districts 40 and 41; two delegates (one each from Districts 40 & 41) appointed by the House Speaker; and ten members (five of whom are residents or business owners in the area) appointed by the Baltimore City Mayor after consultation with the legislative delegation representing Districts 40 and 41 (Code Business Regulation Article, secs. 11-1201 through 11-1205).

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