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[photo, Luwanda W. Jenkins, Director, Maryland Office of Minority Affairs] LUWANDA WALKER JENKINS
Special Secretary of Minority Affairs, 2007-12

Special Secretary of Minority Affairs, May 16, 2007 to February 28, 2012. Acting Special Secretary of Minority Affairs, May 3-16, 2007. Director, Office of Minority Affairs, 1994-97.

Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2007-12. Chair, Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 1994-97, 2007-12. Member, Procurement Advisory Council, 2007-12; Task Force to Study the Procurement of Health and Social Services by State Agencies, 2008-10; Task Force on the Minority Business Enterprise Program and Equity Investment Capital, 2009, 2010-12; Small Business Task Force, 2009; Task Force to Study the Procurement of Health, Education, and Social Services by State Agencies, 2010-12; Governor's Commission on Small Business, 2010-12.

Marketing Manager, Tourism Development Office, Department of Economic and Employment Development, 1988-94.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 18, 1962. Towson State University, B.S. (mass communications), 1983; The Johns Hopkins University, M.A.S. (administrative science), 1990. Public Relations Officer, Provident Bank of Maryland, 1984-88. Director, Community Affairs, The Baltimore Sun, 1997-2002. Community Relations Manager, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield of Maryland, 2002-07. Member, Community Relations Committee, National Aquarium, 1997-. Board of Directors, Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore, 1998-99. Member, Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers, 1999-. Board of Directors, Junior Achievement of Central Maryland, 2000. Member, Coalition of 100 Black Women, 2000-. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 1996, 2001, 2011 (Circle of Excellence). Distinguished Black Marylanders Award, Towson University, 1999. Publisher's Award, Baltimore Sun, 1999. Influential Marylanders, Daily Record, 2010. Married; two children.

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