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[photo, Jamin B. (Jamie) Raskin, State Senator] JAMIN B. (JAMIE) RASKIN
Democrat, District 20, Montgomery County

Member of Senate since January 10, 2007. Majority Whip, 2012-. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2007-; Joint Committee on the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area, 2007-; Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 2007-; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 2007-. Chair, Senate Special Committee on Ethics Reform, 2012-. Member, Task Force to Study Court Decision regarding Pit Bulls, 2012. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (state coordinator, legislators' back-to-school program, 2007-). Senate Chair, Montgomery County Delegation, 2011- (vice-chair, 2008-11). Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (law & criminal justice committee); Southern Legislative Conference (education committee, 2008-).

Chair, State Higher Education Labor Relations Board, 2001-05. Co-Chair, Maryland Clean Car and Energy Policy Task Force, 2007-10. Member, State Advisory Council on Administrative Hearings, 2007-; Commission on Civic Literacy, 2007-. Member, Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment, 2008; Attorney General's Advisory Committee on Campaign Finance, 2010-11; Maryland Medical Marijuana Model Program Work Group, 2011-12.

Assistant Attorney General, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1987-89.

Former member, Hate Crimes Commission, Montgomery County. Former member, Gun Policy Task Force, City of Takoma Park; Redistricting Task Force, City of Takoma Park, 1990.

Born in Washington, DC, December 13, 1962. Harvard College, B.A. (government), magna cum laude, 1983. Benjamin A. Trustman Travelling Fellowship, 1983-84. Harvard Law School, J.D., magna cum laude, 1987 (editor, Harvard Law Review). Admitted to Massachusetts Bar, 1987; District of Columbia Bar, 1993; Maryland Bar, 1995. General Counsel, National Rainbow Coalition, 1989-90. Professor of Law, Washington College of Law, The American University, 1990- (associate dean, faculty & academic affairs, 1994-96). Founder and director, Marshall-Brennan Fellowship Program, The American University, 1999-. Visiting Professor, Institut D'Etudes Sciences Politique, Paris, France, 2003-04. Prolific author. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2004, 2008. Board of Directors, FairVote, The Center for Voting and Democracy, 2006. Scholar-Teacher of the Year, American University, 2000-01. Young Leader, French-American Foundation, 2000-02. Legislator of the Year Award, Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2012. Married; three children.

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